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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

 Actress Kim Kardashian published an open on its Web site a message on the occasion of International Women's Day yesterday afternoon Tuesday, after the noise raised by the bare forms and sarcastic criticism which had been affected because of the offensive response to critics of the stars through Twitter.

The letter, according Cosmopolitan.com for:

 "I do not understand the cause of discomfort people from the disposal of others in their daily lives, I am I will not take drugs or drink very little alcohol, and commits a day crime against one, and although it has become a bad example for all, I express my pride in my body only?"

She continued: "I am a strong intimate and comfortable with myself and my life afraid of what will be said about me, and I hope to give the power of girls and women all over the world."

He said Kim Kim:
 "It's 2016, and I'm not going to live my life as dictated by their mental your problems for my sexuality. Let your pleasant way that you and I will live the way that pleasant to me."

 And completed the reality TV star:
"I'm a strong thanks to my husband who accepted me as I am and supported me and gave me the ability to believe in myself more and more. My husband who gave me the opportunity to be as I am and love me without restrictions or conditions. As I feel very fortunate, because I grew up surrounded by women are strong and independent, I learned of them classes, I teach my turn to my daughter. "

She concluded Kim Kim:
I am a mother. I am the wife, sister, and a daughter, and a businesswoman, it is my right to be exciting.
Said festival on the occasion of International Women's Day.  


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