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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Followed American star Kim Kardashian (36 years), diet "Atkins" that rely on eating high protein versus a small percentage of carbohydrates or starches.
As is proof that Kardashian correct diet chose to lose weight, a recent study conducted at Purdue University in Indiana that a diet contains a high proportion of protein is the secret behind weight loss effectively confirmed, thanks to the feeling of satiety and fullness caused by eating proteins.
Said study author, published Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and quoted by the newspaper "Daily Mail", Dr. Richard Mathis: "There is a great deal of evidence indicates that eating protein stimulates the secretion of the hormone satiety, which results in a feeling of fullness."
He added that the study is based on analysis of a number of individual studies have been conducted on small groups and different methods to confirm the existence of significant influence to eat protein in weight loss.

Moreover, the research team found that a person only needs to increase the amount of protein covered to avoid feeling hungry between meals.
The study did not determine a certain amount of protein should be addressed to the person because the feeling of satiety varies from one person to another.
Mathis noted that the study only looked at the effects of eating protein in weight loss only in the short term, without discuss the implications for the long term.


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