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Thursday, 18 February 2016

Before becoming famous star and be the focus of everyone's attention and topping talk time, abuses thanks to the bold Atalaladtha that transcend sometimes red lines, or thanks to the many imaging sessions which they are subject from time to time, Kim Kardashian was a girl like any other girl her age.
There is no doubt that their actions today and appearance and news that countless almost make us forget that the reality TV star and before you can have access to this level of stardom which made history, she was a little girl playing and practicing hobbies dearest to her heart and dreams of becoming the day days a woman is not a day goes by only the top is the big headlines.
On Thursday, January 16, did not hesitate to Kanye West wife in the dissemination of old pictures of her at the expense of the Anstaqram in Throwback Thursday framework, the day dedicated to back the rights back for a moment and remember how it was and reveals thus to others, his true identity.
The first snapshot Charkiha with the audience, that confirms that over the years this small already changed and with it the features of her face and become an adult woman know what you want, but do not always up to what you want to.
It is an image of the face of Kim, a six-year-old on the one hand and in the thirty other hand, already if we compare them, we see that in the eyes of innocence turned into a strength, and shame in a daring smile and childhood in features to the temptation.
Another snapshot in which the public identify the child as she Kim damage around her neck my husband sled attached to a writer: "Skiing is my favorite hobby."
Not only did it only at this point,'s mother small North wanted to back to back, specifically to the childhood years, through the image of the pool thanks to Photoshop program is part of her face, a baby and part of the face of her daughter North when she was still at the age of 6 months.
Indeed, if we look at this picture and duplex configurations, we see a striking similarity exists between mother and daughter, which is not never feel today, when we look at Kim naked on Paper magazine, for example, and alongside North.
Finally, it is Kim in the 7 In the 34th, yes, the same eyebrows and the way the same view, but the way bobbing in front of the camera and the method differed because the goals in life has changed and grown aspirations and way of life differed.
In another context, it is recalled that Kardashian was seen with her husband Kanye over the weekend and are practiced skiing in Utah and in the absence of a small North.
The two who had been Altqtthma cameras on Monday, January 19, and the two go out of a medical center in Beverly Hills.
Is the desire to have a second child is imminent to crystallize and actually materialize?


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