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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

One can not deny any wide fame obtained by the stars of American society Kim and Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian, thanks to the fact that transports daily detail their movements dull TV program.
The consensus was divided clearly about the Kardashians sisters who reached the hearts of the public without permission, some believe that Kim and her sisters one of the most important figures of American society, while others opines that they simply failed girls rely on sex and wealth to achieve what aspire to.
Here are a few international stars who never hesitated to express a negative opinion to the phenomenon of the Kardashians that invaded American public and the world at large:

Mariah Carey: This well-known frankness and transparency of the star, we noticed that they criticisms directed permanently to American society star Kim Kardashian and her sisters. In the final statement, Carey felt that Kim and Kourtney and Khloe are trying to maintain the fame that they arrived to it in various ways, even if that requires concessions beyond the limits of logic and respect. She also said that Mariah Carey all that mattered Kim Kardashian in this life is to brag about money and appearances, as evidenced by the lavish wedding hosted by Italy, and sold the pictures in exchange for exorbitant sums.

Barack Obama: US First Lady Michelle Obama revealed that her husband does not like the way of life of the sisters Kardashians, deeply upset when he sees that Sasha and Malia it kills their time watching Keeping Program Up With The Kardashians, because the actions of corrupt teenagers and affect their minds dramatically.

Daniel Craig: English actor Daniel Craig described the Kardashians sisters fools, said in an interview with GQ magazine: Should I act like a goof in front of the camera to earn millions? I do not
Ohacb one even say what is obvious and clear. Craig, aged 46 years and pointed out that the famous Kim and Khloe and Kourtnye will not last long because the public will know sooner or later over the vanity.

Jonah Hill: His American actor Hill lamented the low level reached by the American society these days, and more what triggered his anger is fame reaped by sisters the Kardashians, as evidenced by the saying: the fact that the reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians famous and has increased by Show more from the series Mad Men, is actually more nasty truth in our culture .. despite the ridiculousness of what we see in this program, but I have no hope of laughter it.

Cher: global singer Cher launched a short while ago, a series of tweets that attacked in which what we see in reality, which puts the lives of Kardashian family on a daily basis and detailed TV program. She Cher, aged 68 years: these prostitutes likes to be Rmn away .. I never joking in this regard.


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