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Sunday, 21 February 2016

Michelle RUFFINELLI, 39, a US citizen, has a length of 5.4 feet, only to show the lower area of ​​her body much wider than length, and the strange thing is that it is so pleasant, according to the relocation of the Daily Mail.
The RUFFINELLI approximately 191 kg weight, and the back has the largest in the world, with an area around her thighs 8 feet.
Michelle suffers from several problems in that they as well as their entry doors Bjunbha, also they must drive a truck because they are not able to sit in a regular car, but at home it must sit on the chairs of steel and sleep on a bed with a width of 8 feet.
Says RUFFINELLI: "I love my body and configurable I do not see any reason to diet because I do not suffer from any health problems, I am enjoying waist relatively slender, and the men do not adored girls lean, but they love the ladies who enjoy body is like an hourglass.


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