"Vanity Fair" magazine revealed many secrets that actress Gwyneth Paltrow is keen to conceal it from the audience, including the reasons for enmity with former friend and Winona Ryder, and the end of her friendship with Madonna.

Winona Ryder:
Gwyneth Paltrow has an enemy and one in the artistic community, a former friend actress Winona Ryder, as it turned friendship that brought them to the enmity after the chosen film "Shakespeare In Love" Gwyneth director to act as the tournament instead of Winona, a role for which I got because of Paltrow award relationship Oscar. The reason for Winona wrath of her friend is that the role offered her first, but when I saw Paltrow text in Winona home sought to steal the role of them and succeeded in doing so, which was considered by Winona stab in the back.
It ended the friendship that brought together Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna has gone on for nearly ten years, a relationship, because of the preference for Gwyneth cooperation with Tracy Anderson in relation to its activities sport, at a time when Madonna has opened a sports club of its own.
Brad Pitt

He directed to Gwyneth Paltrow accusations of racism in 2012, when I wrote the tweet "Twitter" a bad word starts with the letter "N" (abbreviated Negro), to comment on the ceremony Kanye West and Jay-Z.
Targaha foul odor
Gwyneth Paltrow refuses to use deodorants because of its negative effects, according to the confirmed number of those who attended the ceremony "Met Gala" in May.
Kate Moss
She Gwyneth Paltrow in May 2012 to Kate Moss for her love and her desire to be like them when you advance in age, knowing that that statement infuriated Kate Moss.
Special requests

White lie
Gwyneth Paltrow lied about smoking habits, she said she was a smoke once a week, and they only smoke at parties, but it turned out that what was said by a lie, and they smoke at different times for many times.
But Botox
Expose the "Vanity Fair" Report lied Gwyneth Paltrow in regards to its refusal to use lotion "Botox", as the magazine pointed out that Paltrow, which considered that the use of Botox will turn it in shape to resemble the actress John Raeffers, actually used this lotion cosmetic and injected her face him.
Gwyneth Paltrow suffered from postpartum depression after she gave birth to her first child, "Moses."
Rumors of infidelity again

Painful experience
I approached Gwyneth Paltrow from death when she lost her third child is still a fetus in her womb, and rarely discuss this painful event, he was not only talking about one in an interview earlier this year.
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