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Thursday, 18 February 2016

In mid-August, a common list love affair between Gwyneth Paltrow and author of the television series Glee started, Brad Valhuk, sweeping websites.
According to the website US Weekly, has already entered the American actress who at the age of 41 years, which officially separated since last March, the commander of Coldplay band, Chris Martin, in a love affair with this product, which at the age of 43 years, and which had been annexed to the series Glee to participate in the five episodes of it through the portrayal of Holly Holliday.
Relationship has taken first professional character before the two draw closer to each other more and more in recent weeks.
Despite the fact that the two stars are still maintained the confidentiality of this relationship and thus Eptaadan from the media and journalists, did not Limra after the red carpet together, confirms some of them close friends that they really are linked.
She says one of the sources in this context: "the two went together to the Hollywood soirees own, and their relationship began four months ago."
Another source confirms the correctness of this news, a site E! News, who was able to publish pictures of the dual after monitoring the Achaouin romantic and are close to each other, in addition to Star Magazine magazine, recently pointed out that the duo had spent a day in Amangere Resort in Utah, which is a euphemism for a luxurious complex, valued at night where $ 8,000.
It should be noted that Gwyneth has recently converted to Judaism, the religion is not alien to them, the fact that her father, Bruce Paltrow (who died on October 3, 2002 after suffering a heart attack) was a Jew.
Of course, the happiest news of the new partner, because it also belongs to this religion, and even that his mother was president of Hadassah Foundation, which includes the American Jewish women.
It seems that Brad is upset never amicable relationship and kinship that still exist between the former Paltrow and her husband, who have maintained their friendship and their meetings for their children, which in turn is following the issue of his divorce from his wife, Susan.


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