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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

We mentioned earlier how you picked lenses paparazzi pictures of Bruce Jenner's ex-husband's mother, Kim Kardashian after he used to live as a woman wearing a dress, and was standing in his garden,
In a televised interview with Diane Sawyer media Bruce Jenner he confirmed that female sense of the word as it began talking about himself Bassadol his long hair, which lasts Ptcefifa ponytail in order to make it easier for viewers to accept the fact that students from presenter caused the man format for ease of viewers as well.

Freestanding mother Kim Kardashian pointed out in its dialogue, saying: "Yes, in every sense of the word I'm a woman. People look at it differently, see me so macho guy, but my heart and my mind and everything I do in my life and this feminine side a part of me, that's what I it. Even though I was not born female. "

Then Jenner "I was very confused about my identity, nationality since I was a small child. Bruce was always tells a lie about his identity. I can not go more than that," he added.

Bruce Jenner also confirmed that the muscular, which possessed not only the muscles were obtained through the exercise of the desire to blunt it.

The question from the introduction to the program about whether Bruce Jenner homosexual is assured her it tends to the opposite sex, particularly women like any other man Vaanart Bgjapth is to indicate that there is a difference between sexual preference and gender identity and Mma wants to be.

Bruce Jenner began to take drugs to strengthen the hormone estrogen to turn into a woman since the eighties for 5 consecutive years in addition to a range of cosmetic surgery, but he stopped fearing for the feelings of his children, who make up the most important thing in his life, but he could not stay long man.


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