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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Kim Kardashian attacks on its critics with a series cruel and hate Tweets
Fully aware of what I meant when published on yesterday's image of itself is a wholly-naked embodied, as we thought and I think others, agility gained after losing the kilos that were experiencing, and convinced as a free woman to do what you want and publish what they want on social networking sites and when she wanted so, here's Kim Kardashian opens fire of hell it has not extinguished the flames this time easily and quickly.

Image published by a wearing nothing covering their regions intimate with her hands only from the private bathroom in her home, the day turned out to be shot back to the year 2015, specifically on participated in the fashion week in Paris and surprised the world then colored her hair blond, a snapshot is assured herself today that it is not the result yesterday or last weeks or be the result of continuous aerobic exercise strict diets adopted since the birth of her son, which St.

The image of these which boasted it very much, and still, I decided to be supplemented today by one later, which also overlooks a nude again fully in order to Sain responded saa on both criticized and came upon the mentioned bad way  hate  , did not see a better way to  hate Tweets and put them in their place, but go directly to them with a series of Tweets during which she wanted to show the courage of a new full Iqinha including created to play in her life.
To a large number of stars and stars and who are assaulted on the way and stance and Tmaylha front of the cameras received, and specifically on Betty Midler and Chloe Moritz, former wrote her the following: "Kim Kardashian posted a picture of herself completely naked today on Twitter. But if they want us to see a new part of the her body has not Nrsdh in advance, if it can swallow their own camera! ", tweet received by the most exciting woman in the world and said:
"Hello, my Betty Midler, I know that your bedtime has passed, but in case you do not Tsalyn awake and you read Ngridta, why not also Terslin me your photos and you're naked!", Insulting speech also addressed to Chloe and told her: "Let's welcome Bcleo on Twitter as long as no one knows, or knows of their existence, "this young actress who found herself the victim of comments Kim harsh only because it expressed its point of view hostile to her actions after he returned to post a comment Betty himself, did not restrain her temper and was quick to answer, in turn, said:
"There is a big difference between respect for the platform granted to you being a famous woman involved slut, humiliating and shameful image will never submit to do like her all my life," and even presenter Piers Morgan did not survive clean. The criticism acclaimed Kardashian who went to him and said, after he had commented is also on the nakedness and what clothes to wear, and then he was ready to buy her what you need, and especially her husband, suffering from a debt of about $ 50 million: "hello Pierce, do not expose days on a married woman to buy her clothes!".


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