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Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Arts and Sciences announced Animation Academy Awards in Hollywood "Oscar" for 2016, most notably winning film "Spotlight" award for the best film Oscar.
And he earned Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar for Best Actor for his performance to his person Hugh Glass.
The DiCaprio, 41, was nominated for the award six times before in the history of art as long as 25 years.
The events revolve film "Spotlight" for investigations revealed the crew in the newspaper Boston Globe police and judicial cover-up scandal and the Church on sexual abuse of children by priests in the Catholic Church in Boston. Beat Josh Singer and Tom McCarthy, the award for Best Original Screenplay for the film.

And won the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Anaarret best director for the film "yield" award.
The film revolves about furrier Hugh Glass, who is under brutal attack by a bear survive him painstakingly.
Anaarret won an Oscar for best director in other middle respectively, as obtained last year from the film "Birdman".
This is my first time in more than half a century in which the director wins best director for two consecutive years.
The film also won the award for Best Cinematography and obtained Mexican Emmanuel for Obizqui. It is the second consecutive award for Obizqui, where he won last year for "Birdman" with the same output.
The best actress award. She won the actress Brie Larson, 27, for her role in the film "Room".
The Larsson in the movie role of Joey Newoosam that kidnaps a straw in the seventh, and withheld her captor in a shed closed doors does not implement its light only from the skylight in the ceiling for seven years. During her detention have a child be corroboration and gives them the strength to withstand years of families to be able to escape.

And won both the Charles Randolph and Adam McKay Oscar for Best Adapted from the original literary screenplay for "big crisis", the financial crisis caused by the collapse in the real estate market in the United States.

And he won the Swedish actress Alicia Vekandr (27 years), best supporting actress Oscar for her role in the film "The Danish Girl". Vekandr and play the role of Gerda Vigner Danish painter who realizes her husband that he would like to shift to a woman sexually.

British actor Mark Raalans won the award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the movie "bridge of spies" directed by Steven Spielberg. And plays Raalans, 56, an actor and playwright British, the role of a secret Soviet military client link after his arrest during the Cold War.
And reap the movie "Mad Max: Road Rage" five Oscars. He won the film, directed by George Miller award for the best clothes and best makeup and best decoration and best sound mixing and best and edit audio.
And it won the award for best feature-length documentary film "Amy" directed by Asif Kbadia, which deals with the life of British singer Amy Wine house. The film is about the life and death of British singer Amy Wayne House. Said Kapadia, who is 43 years old and was born in London, when receiving the award "The film is about Amy and illustrates the reality of the world." Kapadia described Amy as "fun" and "intelligent" and "in need of those who must be concerned."
The film won the "son of Shaul," directed by Hungarian Laszlo Numeis award for best foreign film. The film revolves at Auschwitz during the Holocaust. The film deals with day and a half of life Ooslandr Shaul, one of the detainees in Auschwitz, found the body believed to be his son and tries to bury his son, according to Jewish ritual burial.


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