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Monday, 29 February 2016

The promise of a product series Game Of Thrones, David Benioff Woody. Me. Weiss change the policy toward the series of sexual assaults in the coming seasons, after the anger that they have suffered from the scene of the rape, "Ramsay Bolton" for "Sansa Stark."
The series has been subjected to much criticism because of sexual violence, which contained, the beginning of the first episode, which is considered by some to have witnessed an assault, "Cal Droyjo" sexually "Danerys Targyraan," the fifth season that ignited the wrath of viewers because of a scene assault "Ramsey" sexually bride "Sansa Stark."
Said ring Unbowed director, Unbent, Unbroken in the fifth season, Jeremy Bodiswa, the producers of the series, taking into account the criticism is due to alter their policies in the fifth season, according to a Forbes site.
Said Jeremy during his stay in the studios "Fox" in Sydney, Friday, December 18 from the producers of the series: "In response to the discussions and there are a few things will change as a result of that."
He explained: "Even though they did not want to be affected significantly criticism, but they Astoaba matter and Tqublah and change them one way or another."
Jeremy confirmed that David Banuev Woody. Me. Weiss undertaking a new policy toward sexual abuse, saying: "I will not Aqahma any scene in the serial rape is not present in the novel."
It is known that scene, "Ramsey" and "Sansa" did not exist in a series of original novels A Song of Ice and Fire because "Ramsey" I did not marry a "Sansa" from the ground up, but he married a childhood friend, who did not appear in the series, forcing makers knowing that her friend Adma story line "Sansa" dramatic.
The scene of the rape of "Jimmy OnStar" for "Searcy to OnStar" in front of the shroud their son was consensual in the book, but the serial makers preferred to add more melancholy him to transfer the matter to the rape.
In response to the anger of the rape "Sansa" .. Game Of Thrones makers vow to change their policy toward sexual abuse


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