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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama is keen on raising their daughter, humility, and constantly reminding them that they Tencan in "non-real environment."
Obama said in an interview with one of the intern
national magazines that his daughters have enjoyed great privileges in a world characterized by features unemployment and recession.
The US president also complained that the children and young people today are pursuing largely lifestyle of celebrities and the rich, explaining that this was different in his youth, he said, "young people's interest at that time was not a position constantly worn by Kim Kardashian, or where they spend the Kanye West vacationing, even seen this then as a criterion for success. "
Obama believes that "these programs educates the generation that success is a luxury car, and tourist resorts and the most important fashion wear from the global fashion houses, neglected the importance of working on personal development."
Obama continued to say: "The American dream it includes well-educated to get a suitable job gives safety", blaming the media material broadcast by TV stations today, because they made a difference in the general culture.


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